Gujarati women do not like to walk as much as the men do, putting the state near the bottom of a list of 27 states in terms of the number of steps that people take.


The men clocked an average of 4,200 steps a day, compared to 3,000 for women, who are therefore left 1,200 steps behind, which is, ironically, the exact number that people in the digital age are being urged to set as a goal for improved health.

The findings come from data collected by HealthifyMe, an Indian app that provides a host of fitness services.

The state, however, ends up burning as many calories as the national average.

The results were collated from over 1 lakh users in Gujarat with 1 million workout logs across more than 100 cities in the state.

The data found that Gujarat is second from the bottom in a list of 27 states (220 cities) when it comes to walking. Kerala brought up the rear. Himachal Pradesh walked the most.

A Gujarati's average daily steps came up to 3,800 while most other states clocked more than 4,000 steps in a day.

Dr Aalap Shah, director of Mission Health, a fitness centre, is not surprised. "In any other city if you have to go to a place that is just 10 minutes away you would walk. But here people prefer to go on their two-wheeler," said Dr Shah. He admits that among his clients not many show fondness for walking.

"It is often group exercises like cycling, running, dancing that motivate people here the most. I believe it is because one tends to get encouraged from others while an activity like walking is often a solitray pursuit," said Dr Shah.

While Gujarat's men walk almost as much as the national average, women don't. Gujarat is among the top 10 states where there is a huge disparity between the amount of walking that men and women do, the app reports.

Punita Mittal, head of Data Science, Healthifyme, said Gujarat is sadly among the lowest in average daily steps taken by a person, putting the state at a higher risk of chronic disease.

The state, however, continued to burn calories and was ranked in the middle among all the 27 states because of its preference for high-intensity workouts such as Surya Namaskar, cycling and running. Gujaratis on an average burn 300 calories a day against the all-India average of 320-odd calories a day.

Mittal said the redeeming quality for Gujarat is the Surya Namaskar that the state does. "Gujarat loves yoga and needs to do more of it!" said Mittal.

Meghal Chakravarti, a certified fitness professional with Talwalkar Fitness Centre in the city, is not surprised at the findings.

"Gujaratis are as fitness conscious as anyone else. They have a preference for high-intensity workouts. I have clients who work out for up to 1.5 hours daily. My observation is that women are more fitness-conscious than men," said Chakravarti.