It has being discolsed that the wife of the Dalit man who was hacked to death by his in-laws had twice written to the police seeking protection way back in April.


Urmila, wife of Haresh Solanki, had written to the police inspector of Mandal police station as well as the Superintendent of Police Kutch, seeking protection for her husband and in-laws. In a letter written on April 17, 2019 Urmilla had clearly stated that she had married Solanki as per her own wish without any coercion and that they were married as per Hindu rites. She also went on to inform the cops that her family had been threatening her and her in-laws personally as well as on phone. She also recounted that her family had threatened to get them killed by an accident and that they were associated with anti social elements and were capable of doing it.

In the letter she had also stated about the mental torture her in-laws were being put through and that if anythign were to happen to her in-laws her own family was to be squarely blamed for it. The letter to the superintendent also mentioned about how she had written to the cops on earlier occasions too but no action had been taken.

Six months ago, Solanki married Urmila, from Darbar community that considers itself superior to Dalits, much against the wishes of her parents. She then moved to Solanki's native place in Gandhidham of Kutch.