Narmada Bachao Andolan leader Medha Patkar on Monday moved an application before the metropolitan court seeking further investigation into the 2002 attack on her at the Sabarmati Ashram. She has also sought an SIT investigation into the incident.


The matter concerns the incident that took place on April 7, 2002. Patkar had participated in a public meeting organised at Sabarmati Gandhi Ashram to condemn the communal riots of 2002.

A mob of BJP youth wing workers had allegedly attacked the gathering, injuring Patkar, some media-persons and leading social activists from Gujarat.

Expressing dissatisfaction with the Gujarat police’s investigation of the incident, Patkar’s petition mentions several lapses in the probe and the chargesheet filed in the case.

“Several people who were named as accused in the complaint find no mention in the chargesheet,” said assistant public prosecutor, Govind Parmar.

He further said that even members of the electronic media were attacked in the incident. “Yet the police have not included a medical certificate in the chargesheet. It also does not have photographs and videos of the incident,” said Parmar.

The court directed that a copy of the petition be given to the defence and posted further hearing in the case to July 7.

The application further alleges that the police had not included eight people, including one Manu Patel, who were mentioned in the written complaint, as among the accused in the chargesheet.

It further alleges that four witnesses, whose statements were taken by the police, also do not find mention in the chargesheet filed by the police.

In their investigation of the case, the police had also overlooked the allegation of a conspiracy behind the incident, the petition says.

“As per Prakash Shah’s statement mentioned in the chargesheet, the meeting was to take place at Gujarat Vidyapith but was shifted to Gandhi Ashram following threats. Despite this the police did not seek the statement of Vidyapith officials or the organisers of the meeting, including Mallika Sarabhai and Girish Patel,” Patkar says in her petition.