Epilepsy continues to be a stigma in society as the common perception is that it can never be cured. But if a patient is treated for a substantial period, he or she can recover completely, claimed doctors on the eve of National Epilepsy Day that falls on Sunday.


“Epilepsy is commonly known as fit or convulsion. The incidence of epilepsy is 1 per 100-200 individuals. At least 50% early diagnosis and timely management can cure epilepsy comprehensively. It begins during childhood and 1/3 of epilepsy cases occur due to brain damage,” said doctor Harshuti Shah.

“Premature birth and low weight are the primary reasons for brain damage. It occurs between one month and five years of age. Idiopathic epilepsy, symptomatic epilepsy, febrile convulsion are its types. Untreated epilepsy leads to retarded growth in a child or even cognition. The reasons can be better detected through MRI than CT scan. Neuro-imaging like SPECT and PET helps to confirm epilepsy,” said Shah.

“Good control of an epileptic attack is achieved with minimal or no side effects and 80% cases can be controlled by medicines. Unfortunately, epilepsy still remains a stigma to society. Parents of young girls want their children to get better before they reach the age of marriage. We need to spread the message in our society that a person with epilepsy can look and function as normally as anybody else,” she added.

The effect of medicine lasts for two to five years at best. A special ketogenic diet can achieve good control in child epileptics. Only 2-3% cases, where patients do not respond to treatment, need surgery.

“Seizures spread to the brain when a child or a person loses consciousness, becomes stiff, arms and legs shake and start frothing from the mouth. Pacemaker helps to control seizures.

These tend to be age related so there is a switch-on at a certain age followed by a switch-off,” said Siddharth Shah, another doctor.

“Unfortunately, epilepsy still remains a stigma in our society. We need to spread the message that an epileptic can look and function as normally as anybody else. A child, afflicted with epilepsy, has to be taken extra care of while handling hot food or taking bath as a seizure can lead to serious injuries. Avoid swimming, cycling on major roads or driving,” cautioned Shah.

What is epilepsyParoxysmal or sudden disturbance of the electrical activity of the brain, which disturbs the motor, sensory or autonomic activity repeatedly in an individual, is known as epilepsy.