The BMM Department of VES College held its annual inter-collegiate festival Impressions-09 from December 11-13. In its seventh year now, the theme of the festival was Freedom- Imaginations infinite. Rated amongst the best media festivals in the city in 2007; Impressions-09 featured events like I- Talkies, the Great Wall of Graffiti, 3-day Newspaper, World of Adcraft, photography exhibition, Host a radio show, Jingle Factory, the helmet and Paint accident and the well known rally event Tamasha.

In the past, Impressions has seen a list of renowned personalities from the media and film industry like Sudhir Mishra, Tanuja Chandra, Satya Saran, M.V. Kamath, Dale Bhagwankar, Sajid Khan, Robby Grewal to state a few. This year the colossal event witnessed the presence of Bharat Dabolkar, Vineel Mathew, Vinay Venkatesh, Nandita
Mehra and Reema Mukherjee. The event also received an overwhelming student participation from all over the city.