In an effort to promote creative teaching techniques, the Indian Foundation for the Arts (IFA) and Goethe-Institut (Max Mueller Bhavan) are hosting the Arts Education Conference 2012 on February 3 and February 4.


More than 500 teachers from the state’s government schools will take part in the two-day conference. The theme of the conference is ‘Diversity and social justice.’ The meet-up will discuss various artistic practices and pedagogical strategies used in schools.

Apurva, a programme executive, said teachers had been using artistic methods like building their own tools, teaching through music and theatre to make the learning experience enriching. The conference will bring to light more such bright ideas that will make education interesting and interactive.

Over the past three years, IFA and Goethe-Institut have focused on the empowerment of school teachers under one of their major funding programmes, Arts Education. This initiative, called Kali-Kalisu, will bring the multi-pronged Arts Education workshops to many in rural ares and small town in Karnataka.