The chairman of All India Anti-Terrorist Front MS Bitta today alleged that a security diversion to protect the Shah Rukh Khan film My Name Is Khan offered an opportune moment for the ISI to engineer the terror attack in Pune."The ISI capitalised on the prevailing situation to strike Pune where security infrastructure was lame," he told a press conference in Pune.Bitta who visited the blast victims at a city hospital, said Pune is a big city in India and a leading educational and economic hub and the masterminds of the German Bakery blast had designs to harm that status. "Beefing up security in Pune after the blast is nothing but a farce. Why the government did not do it earlier in view of the burgeoning proportions of the city," he asked and blamed politicians for playing "politics over the dead bodies".Bitta also criticised Shiv Sena and MNS for their "divisive politics" and said that was precisely what Pakistan wanted.He demanded immediate hanging of Pakistani gunman Ajmal Kasab and Afzal Guru involved in the Parliament attack and constitution of anti-terrorist military court to try cases on fast track. "Afzal is still evading the noose and Kasab is enjoying mutton Biryani from Mumbai police," he commented.