Located few kilometers from Varanasi, Sajoi village is known for its handlooms. Most of the families live in abject poverty. For them extra hands meant more work done, therefore more money. This is why children would end up helping families earn their bread and butter. Only 10% of the villagers were literate.


But today, things have changed. Childhood is no longer about labour but education as most kids now go to schools. This has been possible because of the tireless effort put in by three women.

Tabassum, Tarannum and Rubina were the first women from Sajoi to pass Class 12. After which, these girls decided to bring in a change in their own village.

Pretending to train village girls in sewing, they started teaching them and young kids in 2010.

But it hasn't been an easy road. They encountered massive opposition from the villagers. Apart from facing abuse, villagers asked them to vacate the public space where they ran their small school.

But the girls did not give up. They started conducting classes from their own homes.

Not just kids, this trio soon started teaching women, telling them the importance of sending their children to school.

"Since 2010, we have sent more than 450 kids to the schools. We not only enroll kids but also collect information regarding their performance from their respective schools", says Tabassum.

As their effort gained popularity, the trio was awarded by many institutions. The villagers also started supporting these girls with their growing recognition, by sending them to Rubina's school and more than 90% of the village's kids are now getting an education.(Have a story to tell? Write to us at WETHEVOICE@zeemedia.esselgroup.com)