The benefits of walking are known to all. According to Dr. Dilip Nadkarni, author ‘Calm Sutra – The Art of Relaxation’, walking is one of the greatest forms of exercise, both physically and spiritually. It heals you from within and without. It is also a safe exercise and everybody except those with severe knee problems, can walk at any place with the right attitude and appropriate gear.


So is a pedometer (device that tracks the number of steps taken) necessary to ensure 10, 000 steps per day or as recent studies suggest 7,500 steps a day?  “Such studies are perhaps made to market pedometers,” says Dr Nadkarni in jest. “I do not see much practicality in counting your steps. Just walk correctly for 30 minutes to an hour, five times a week and you will lose at least 300-400 calories per hour of walking,” he pointed out.

Considering the fast paced life today, not many especially in cities like Mumbai can devote time separately for a morning walk and then catch a train to office. Instead, many opt to walk from station to workplace and station to home. As per experts, these walks may not always qualify as proper exercise. “When you walk correctly, you will perspire. Nobody likes to reach office in a sweaty shirt. Thus it becomes necessary to carry another dress and footwear, because a proper walking shoe is a must,” says Dr Sunil Bhoir, a consultant sports physician in the Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket matches.  NAdkarni agrees and adds, “I have advised several patients to keep their walking shoes in the office locker, so that they can take a walk during breaks. Also, if they cannot walk for an hour at a stretch, I tell them to break it into shorter time spans throughout the day to avail some benefits.”

The ‘desk job’ in offices and institutions is the major obstacle to walking regularly. How can an hour of exercise offset the effects of eight hours of stillness? According to Atul Khatri, 46, who has been regularly participating in half marathons since the last 12 years, doing errands at work is a useful way to get some walking done. “I am on a desk for at least six hours a day. During these six hours, I take several walks to wherever the requirement demands. For example, I go out to take photocopies, walk around my cabin while thinking on some project, keep my phone a little away from my desk so that I have to walk to get it etc.,” he says. Khatri also takes the stairs regularly. But walking down the staircase may not be safe for all. “When you walk down, your knee is under more pressure. So, you walk slowly and take a slightly angular direction. Senior citizens must take the help of a walking stick,” Nadkarni advises.

Thus the idea is to walk whenever you can and how much ever you can. However, the schedule must be consistent. “Ideally, walking amidst nature and sunlight is the best, as your lungs draws in more oxygen, and Vitamin D gets absorbed in the body. But, if you can’t do that, just walk anywhere, even indoor, on your treadmill. Evening and/or night walks also has its benefits. Walking against the breeze or in the shallow water as available in several swimming pools can do wonders for your health,” says Bhoir. But the caveat as Dr Nadkarni mentions is that one should perspire while walking and not pant. In case of panting, a restructuring of the walking pace and schedule is necessary.

Walk Sutra: Ten Commandments

*Guidelines for correct walking

*Wear loose clothes and most importantly invest in a branded walking shoe *Do warm up exercises like stretches, ankle and knee rotations before walking *Walk briskly with a straight posture. Move upper body in tandem with the lower part *Take long strides and the pattern should be heel-toe, heel-toe *Slowly increase the pace, and then before you end walking, gradually slow down *Be aware. If you walk carelessly, you might end up strolling  *Nowadays, certain mobile apps inform you about the status of your walking and accordingly you can improve on your pace and time *Stick to your schedule *Cut down on home delivery. Go out and get the shopping done *People who keep dogs as pets tend to walk more