For the first time, India will be hosting the Asian Science Camp (ASC-2010) from August 17 to 21.
"The ASC aims at enlightening science talented youth through discussion and dialogue with top scholars in the world and to promote international friendship and co-operation among the brightest members of the next generation in the asian region," director of Homi Bhabha Centre for Science education Dr HC Pradhan and the organiser of the event told PTI.
The camp will be held in neighbouring Navi Mumbai and will be inaugurated by Prithviraj Chavan, minister of science and technology, he said.
The 2010 ASC is the fourth of the series of Asian Science Camps which will be hosted by Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai and organised by HBCSE, a constituent unit of TIFR. The previous camps were successfully held at Taipei (2007), Bali (2008) and Japan (2009).
Eleven world-renowned scientists from India and abroad have already agreed to be Speakers at the Camp including two Nobel Laureates, Richard R Ernst (Switzerland) and Makoto Kobayashi (Japan), Pradhan said.
About 200 students and 30 teachers from more than 20 countries/regions from Asia will participate in this event, he added.