After asserting that there was no plan to bring a common school board, Union HRD minister Kapil Sibal today said that the state education boards would be given 3-4 years to raise their standards for introducing a 'GRE-like format'.
"The state education boards are not of uniform quality. For introducing a GRE-like format in the country, we need to decrease the disparities in the school system. We will give them 3-4 years to raise their standard," the HRD minister told a symposium organised by the CII at the Bengal Engineering and Science University.
"There cannot be any diversity in the teaching method for subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry or biology anywhere in the country, but for subjects like history and geography, we would like to retain the diversity," he said.
The issue of uniform school education board raised by Sibal had created a controversy with major states opposing it after which the minister clarified that the government did "not want a uniform board" but a uniform level of excellence in school education.

Claiming that the education system has become static in the country, he said his ministry would view the system of giving accredition to education institutions. "Education, particularly the academia, has been static over the years. It's because the faculty has been static."
On fund allocation to universities, he said that institutions would be funded based on their performances. "Achievers must get incentives. And non-achievers must know that until they perform, they will not get any benefit," Sibal said.