Complaining against school fees hike, student injustice, admission issues, or any other malpractice in the education sector is now just a click away. The Forum for Fairness in Education (FFE), an NGO, working in the field of education since 1994, has launched an Android application, FFE India, for parents, students, teachers and for management across schools.


The application is meant for parents, schools and education officers. Complainants will have to register first and then write their complaint. The application will not only be the platform for people to complain but will also give them an insight about their rights, current rules and regulations in the education field.

Jayant Jain, President of FFE, said, “Earlier we tried to bring one application but due to some technical problem it didn’t work. Hence we worked again on it and brought it back for parents, students, teachers and schools.”

According to FFE, the complaints/grievances will be sent to the FFE from specific school, or college. It will be anonymously submitted to the concerned education authorities to take action. The plaintiff can attach a picture, voice recording, pdf file or even a video, on the application. The contact numbers of FFE members of Mumbai, and Pune will be shared on the application so that the person who is complaining can contact them for help.

Jain, further said, “If the education authorities don’t take any action then the FFE will move the court for the concerned party to get justice. 

Sonali Kudave, a parent and member of FFE, said, “This application will bridge the gap. It is not only for parents but even for teachers and schools to come forward to complain if any injustice is happening with them.”