The country’s most coveted engineering entrance exam, JEE Advanced 2017 — the gateway to the IITs — is scheduled to be held on May 21, 2017. With JEE Main concluding recently, students have just crossed the first hurdle towards their goal. It’s all about shifting gears in terms of learning, fine-tuning of acquired skills, harnessing capabilities, monitoring of strengths and weaknesses, plugging of loopholes, assessing national level standing, ensuring of output maximisation and above all optimising available time. When you revise, remember it is the quality of time spent that is important and not just the quantity. You must engage in concept-wise revision — this means revision should not be chapter-wise. Often questions have multiple concepts interlinked, so revising concept-wise is beneficial. 


While revising, you must pick representative problems specific to a concept or chapter and solve them. 

If you did not get sufficient time to revise Class 11 syllabus before Class 12 board exam and/or before JEE Main then you must do it now as 40-45 per cent of the questions in JEE Advanced could be from Class 11 syllabus.

JEE Advanced 2017 will consist of two question papers. Both will consist of three separate sections on Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. They will be of objective type, designed to test comprehension, reasoning and analytical ability of candidates. Questions must be solved by applying reasoning and analytical ability. Refer to archive i.e. JEE Advanced question paper bank of previous years. 

Subscribe to a good All India Level Mock Test Series. They should be pattern-proof so that a student is mentally prepared for any surprise. You must solve at least one All India Mock Test every week. 

Each of these tests should be followed by test analysis conducted by subject experts. It will give you insight on the ideal approach required to do well.

Develop a strategy for time management in between the sections i.e. Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics.

While writing tests, look at building the right exam temperament, adjust body clock, develop ability to focus in various test-taking environments, etc.

Every question will have few unique keywords. Underline those keywords while reading the question. 

Success in JEE Advanced is directly proportional to the number of questions solved by you. Think logically to develop solutions to problems.

Question selection is crucial. While solving mock tests, develop an eye for selecting the right questions. Quickly solve the easy and moderate questions, before tackling the difficult ones. 

Keep referring to high quality notes prepared over the last couple of years.

One must remain physically fit and mentally focussed. Practice meditation to develop inner calm, self control and power of concentration. Late night study must be avoided. 

The writer is  B.Tech (Chemical Engineering) – Director at FIITJEE, Punjabi Bagh.