
Cleaning up the mind

Once we have cleaned up our rooms or the whole house, we feel so good. We also spend a large part of our living life cleaning up the surroundings we live in.

Cleaning up  the mind

Many of us are so obsessed with cleanliness. We want our homes sparklingly clean. Once we have cleaned up our rooms or the whole house, we feel so good. We also spend a large part of our living life cleaning up the surroundings we live in.

Is it not amazing that we do not invest time in cleaning up our minds? Is that not more important than your desk or your room? Some of us will admit that the thought of cleaning up our minds never even occurred to us. Why are we not as enthusiastic in throwing out the garbage from our minds? 

Our minds have negative thoughts that need to be thrown out and replaced with healthy positive ones that can help us walk the next mile. Our minds also have beliefs that are very damaging. Here are some common examples: There is nothing worthwhile in life. I am not good enough. Failure is my shadow. Many of us live with these beliefs and over a period of time it gets absorbed into our consciousness as a truth of life.

But if we were the types who take care to clean our minds, we would have swept such irrational beliefs. We must overcome our negative beliefs. One way to do it is to make a list of negative beliefs we have. Each negative belief has a root. Think of how it got into your mind. What were its origins? Was it your teacher who told you that you were brainless? Did your parents say that you were not as beautiful as your neighbour?

Find the root. Accept that you have actually allowed those negative beliefs to grow and flourish. Once you do that uproot it and throw it away once and for ever. The cleaning process is painful, but it has to done. Clean your mind today.

