
Tomato talk

Its high water content keeps a person refreshed for a longer while just after having even one tomato.

Tomato talk

About a century ago, this fruit was considered acidic. People say, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, but I say, “A tomato a day keeps the doctor away.”

This bright, red, luscious fruit is a regular in our kitchens and our meals, and is present across a wide range of cuisines.

Technically, this is a fruit, however, because of the way it is used, it is generally counted as a vegetable. It is packed with vitamins and minerals and other such qualities that are excellent for the health. No wonder then that it is a regular feature on our menus — since it’s extremely versatile.

A tomato is popularly known for its cancer-fighting properties. The bright redness of the tomato is attributed to its lycopene content. In fact, lycopene is essential for the body and it is not produced by it. Tomatoes are the most abundant sources of lycopene, which is why it can cure a large list of diseases.

This pigment contains the crucial antioxidants required to fight cancerous toxins in the body, as well as boost the immunity by “cleaning” out our blood. Antioxidants are our body’s little soldiers that do this. By doing so, it also adds luster to our hair and eyes, and boosts the glow on our skin. This is the reason why people in the Mediterranean regions have lesser rates of all kinds of cancers, especially in Italy.

Protein cannot be digested by the body. It needs Vitamin C to help make it into an absorbable form. Tomatoes are a rich source of Vitamin C and this is one reason (other than taste) why we traditionally add pieces of tomato to our dals, sambhars, as well as our leafy sabzis, both of which are great sources of protein.

Besides, the Vitamin C content also adds to the antioxidant property of the tomato.

Its high water content keeps a person refreshed for a longer while just after having even one tomato. Tomato is also good for cardiovascular health.

There are several such health benefits to tomatoes which have not been scientifically proven but have been observed, such as its ability to slow down macular degeneration and its energy-giving abilities. It is zero fat, therefore a perfect dieter’s delight. Therefore, simply blend a tomato with some rock salt and condiments of your choice to make an invigorating tomato juice or soup. There could be innumerable suggestions, such as adding it to all your curries and dals or simply cut up a tomato, add some rock salt and eat it when you feel hungry in the evenings.

