
Miracle is in surrendering self to God

When life pushes me too hard and I am unable to bear the pressure of every day living, I surrender to god and say “Let his will prevail”. And believe me, I find peace.

Miracle is in surrendering self to God

Abandon all varieties  of religion, and just surrender unto me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. 
Do not fear. 
– Lord Krishna from the Bhagavad Gita. 

My connect with God is very simple — it is of total surrender. When life pushes me too hard and I am unable to bear the pressure of every day living, I surrender to god and say “Let his will prevail”. And believe me, I find peace.

I begin my day by chanting Shree Krishnapanamastu and offer my complete self to God. As I believe the best way is to let things happen the way he wants.

I see God as my father, mother, kinsmen, and friend. I see Him as my wealth of knowledge and strength. By completely surrendering self to God I begin to see His miracles and experience His grace. For example, when I am stuck in traffic for a long time, I don’t lose my temper, I start chanting God’s name — it calms me.

God is the Shrishti Karta — the CREATOR. At times, when things do not work out the way we want them to (for which we pray with all our heart to happen), I see it as God’s way of warning us ‘that what we are asking for is not good for us’. Only He knows what is good for us and what is not. As it is said, man proposes and God disposes — we can only propose, it is ultimately HE who puts an end to things.

We may not realise these things at that very moment, but over a period of time, we come to certain realisation, where we see that He had something better in store for us which is why he did not let things happen, even though we may have yearned for it. And to realise this, we need to trust him.

As an English teacher, the poem Footprints in the Sand has been my favourite and has made me understand the presence of God better. The poem describes the scene of a man walking on the beach with his life flashing across him. When he looks back he sees two foot prints, one of his own and other a bigger footprint, that of God.

As the flashes continue, he sees that during the lowest and at the most conflicting juncture of his life, the bigger footprints — that of the God were missing. In that state he complains that God had deserted him when he was in trouble and helpless. Upset, he asks, “God why is it that your footprints were missing at the lowest point of my life? Why is it that you were not walking with me when I needed you the most?”.

To which God replies, “The reason why you saw only one set of footprints when you were low was because it was me (God) who carried you when you were in misery”.

God’s compassion can carry us through the conflicts of our life, but for that to happen, we have to surrender ourselves totally to him, which is what I do.
The writer, Indira Satyanarayan, is an alumni of Tata Institute of Social Sciences and has been teaching for last 25 years. If you want to share your connect and affection with God, send it to

