
State govt needs to step in to spike the fee hike spree: Nathmal Didel

Mukesh Sharma spoke with Nathmal Didel, Director, Secondary Education, who has been entrusted with the responsibility to keep a tab on the fees of private schools from government side.

State govt needs to step in to spike the fee hike spree: Nathmal Didel
Nathmal Didel

Private Schools in the state are not following the state government’s directives while fixing fees. They are hiking fee on their own and the state government also looks helpless in regulating them. So much so that few schools have jacked their fees by more than 60% without ascertaining any logical reason. There have been few demonstrations and agitations against the fee hike by parents associations. But schools have been able to continue with their “hiking spree”. Mukesh Sharma spoke with Nathmal Didel, Director, Secondary Education, who has been entrusted with the responsibility to keep a tab on the fees of private schools from government side.       

Q. Private schools have increased fees by 20 to even 60 percent in some cases. Parents are being pressurised to buy books, uniforms and other items from school itself. What is the government doing to regulate this?

A. We had issued strict guideline for private schools last year. A few days back, a circular was also issued in this regard. It is now mid of April, we will be fixing the fees for private schools before the new academic session begins.

Q. Education department issues orders, circulars… but no action is taken after that. Privately schools blatantly increase fees. What do you have to say on this?

A. It’s not like this. We have made separate cells for private schools. Under Right To Education (RTE), all private schools have to upload fees and other information online on the education department’s portal. All District Education Officers (DEO) have been instructed to take action to suspend the recognition of the school which violates the guidelines of the state government. We immediately take action after receiving valid complaints.

Q. We haven’t heard education department taking action against any school?

A. There is a large number of private schools. We can take action only after receiving the written complaint. Recently, we received a written complaint against a school in Bikaner. We immediately sent a team there and took action. If a school is violating any norm, parents should file a written complaint with the District Education Officer’s office. Action will definitely be taken.

Q. Why does education department not act or monitor? Why does it wait for complaints from parents?

A. Education Department can’t take suo moto action. There has to be a written complaint on the basis of which we can investigate and take action. All the DEOs have been instructed to comply with the departmental circular. We are regularly monitoring whether the private schools are following instructions of the state government or not. 

