
Film review: 'Last Vegas' is a fun film only because of its ensemble

Film review: 'Last Vegas'  is a fun film only because of its ensemble

Film: Last Vegas
Cast:  Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Kline, Michael Douglas, Mary Steenburgen
Director:  Jon Turteltaub
Rating: ***

What’s it about:
Hangover for the geriatrics? Not so much. With its stellar cast of the golden boys of Hollywood who come together to show a different side of their personalities, Last Vegas is a fun film only because of its ensemble.

Archie (Freeman) has had some health issues in the past that concern his son, Sam (Kline) is disillusioned with the promise of an early retirement, Paddy (De Niro) is still mourning the loss of his wife,  while Billy (Douglas) the only silver lining in this grey cloud is on his way to settle down with a girl third his age!

Hollywood weddings and Vegas setting go hand in hand if you want to make a comedy that involves alcohol, gambling and strippers! The gang of friends decide to have a wild weekend in Vegas before the big day.

What’s hot:
You can’t help but be in awe in the beginning when you have these stalwarts in one single frame. All these actors put together make for more than just a few stars on the Hollywood walk of fame.

However, director Jon Turteltaub goes the opposite way and presents these actors in a never before seen environment. Who would have thought 50 Cent’s cameo in a film with Morgan Freeman would actually be a genius idea?

Each of these actors successfully undoes every preconceived notion written in the rule book and approaches his character with renewed vigour. Freeman stands out of the cast because he does a complete spin on what we have seen him do (play God) for most of the time.

What’s not:
It gets a bit tedious and monotonous after a while. The jokes and punches are great in the beginning, but the second half becomes a drag when the characters get predictable.

A lot of times you get the feeling that the actors might be getting a bit too much out of line or their comfort zone to seem believable.

Mary Steenburgen’s track as Diana, a lounge singer could have been explored beyond the limited screen time she gets.

Watch the trailer:

What to do:
Last Vegas has some genuinely funny moments. Watch it if you ever wanted to see Morgan Freeman and Michael Douglas in the same frame behaving like frat boys.

