
Designs on the world

Here’s how Brand India will make its presence felt on Fifth Avenues, Bond Streets and St Honores of the world.

Designs on the world

Here’s how Brand India will make its presence felt on Fifth Avenues, Bond Streets and St Honores of the world.

In the late 80s, fashion in India was practically non-existent. A handful of creative designers were about to embark on a voyage in an unknown and hitherto uncharted territory — the Indian psyche.

We learnt from our mistakes; our triumphs and failures were an intrinsic element of the maturing of the modern fashion movement in India. Talent in India was never been a concern; the country dripped with brilliant, imaginative, dedicated souls.

In 1997, a few of us had a series of meetings to figure out a way of giving a leg up to the industry. Thus was born the Fashion Design Council of India and the India Fashion Week. In the past few years, India has been noticed and has managed to squeeze in a small but effective presence on the global runway.

We are now at the threshold of a fashion explosion, both on domestic and international soil. But a lot is to be done. Infrastructure development is a must. Demand must be supported by adequate and timely supply, shrewd marketing and effective brand promotion. The need for Indian fashion houses and corporate management-strong-cash-rich bodies to come together is now.

Add to this the unfailing ‘positive’ support of the media and we can be confident that, in the not-so-distant future, Brand India would soon make its presence felt on the Fifth Avenues, Bond Streets and the St Honores of the world.

JJ Valaya is a Delhi-based designer with premier upmarket stores in India and abroad

