
Tube Talk | Mohd Zeeshan Ayyub: I would kill for a TV show with great content

We should also start focussing more on series rather endless tales. We should treat our audience with more respect.

Tube Talk | Mohd Zeeshan Ayyub: I would kill for a TV show with great content
Mohd Zeeshan Ayyub

How many TVs do you have? 


Are you a one episode a day or a one season a day kind of person?

One season a day.

Are you more likely to watch shows on your TV or laptop?

Generally, on my laptop or else, connect my laptop to my LED.

On an average, how many hours a day is your TV on?

Four hours, if I’m not shooting

TV in the bedroom. a good idea or bad? Explain why.

It’s a very bad idea. Bedroom is a place to relax and also, I prefer to give full attention to shows.

What are your top three shows in the last decade?

Borgen, Broen (aka The Bridge) and Sherlock.

A character in a TV series you’d love to play

Kasper, the spin doctor in Borgen.

If you could live in one TV show, which one would it be?

Game Of Thrones

What according to you is the worst show on Indian TV?

Haven’t watched much.

Who owns the remote in your house?

Whoever starts the TV.

If you could live on a tv show, which one would you pick and why

GoT.  The world they’ve created is beautiful — a great mix of reality,  magic and politics.

Netflix or Amazon Prime?

Both, to be honest.

Name the talk show host who puts a smile on your face.

Ellen DeGeneres.

A novel you would like to see as a television series.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude.

What if you were offered a TV show. 

If it has great content and especially something new,  would kill for it.

If you had to make a fiction TV show, what would it be about?

It would be about celebrating the idea of democracy,  especially in these times.

What changes would you like see in Indian TV scene?

We should also start focussing more on series rather endless tales. We should treat our audience with more respect. 

