
Crossfit gives me my adrenaline rush for the day: Ali Fazal

He boxes to beat stress, and is always game to try new things to stay fit

Crossfit gives me my adrenaline rush for the day: Ali Fazal
Ali Fazal

Ali Fazal, who crossed the border from India to Pakistan, and brought home a bride in his last release Happy Bhag Jayegi, can land a mean punch. He boxes to beat stress, and is always game to try new things to stay fit. The actor, who will soon be seen in Hollywood with Victoria and Abdul, also starring Judi Dench, shares his fitness fundas with DNA

My kind of fitness regime

My idea of fitness is a work in progress. You won't find me in a gym these days. But in a crossfit class, usually at 6 am everyday except Sundays. I find crossfit working for me; gives me my adrenaline rushes of the day. The space were I workout is also a little more than just crossfit pad. I meditate, box and do functional. It's ever-changing. Also, I injured my knee, so I couldn't run for the last six months. The fight was to keep the workouts going despite the running.

A cupboard of secrets

I think fitness is closely connected to the cleanliness of your cupboard. If you can arrange your socks and your clothes the right way so that they are available to you without much thought at the time of need, half your life will be sorted. And it's not a metaphor. I have skipped morning workouts at times because I was just not willful enough to search the sock out.

Dressing the part

I prefer to have separate shoes for running and gymming. I wear compression clothes on the legs. You don't have to; 60 per cent of it is psychological. Rest is to keep the muscles warm pre and post workouts to avoid fatigue. One tip though is to get gloves. The pull ups can rip hands, and if you have women around, they won't like to be held in rough hands, I like to think.

Boxing and books

I guess being a public figure, stress is inescapable, so I've learned to feed off it. I box or play ball, or read. And take one day at a time. Even with my fitness regime, I believe the mantra is to fight the good fight, and not sulk when progress is slow.

Chocolate's my weakness

Food is where I don't compromise unless I am on a project requirement. I eat everything I love. But when you're in it, you got to follow a regime. It's all about the diet, ore than the workouts. My biggest fitness struggle was chocolates. I couldn't give them up. Still can't, but I regulate.

