
Dr Swamy, the Prophet taught us to kill evil with good

Dr Subramanian Swamy’s article ‘How to wipe out Islamic terror’ is pure hate mongering; only a poisoned, prejudiced mindset is capable of such a hideous thinking process.

Dr Swamy, the Prophet taught us to kill evil with good

Dr Subramanian Swamy’s article ‘How to wipe out Islamic terror’ is pure hate mongering; only a poisoned, prejudiced mindset is capable of such a hideous thinking process.

Disfranchising Muslims and turning India into a Hindu Rashtra is nothing new: Hindu extremist organisations and their ideologues have been using such derogatory language, primarily to create an atmosphere of fear and deepen animosities.

Creating fear psychosis among the majority community about the imminent rise of an Islamic civilization — as if Muslim communities from Kuala Lumpur to Cairo on the one hand, Dhaka to Dakar and Istanbul to Islamabad on the other, are one homogeneous entity — to popularise the Hindutva agenda has been an old method of chauvinist organisations.

Passing through the period of trial and tribulations — military operation at the Golden Temple, demolition of the Babri Masjid and the savagery of terrorists in Mumbai on 26/11 are some of the worst crises — all kudos to the resilient composite culture of India which has withstood the threats and extreme provocations.

That India despite being 83% a Hindu-dominated society could not become a Hindu country exemplifies the benign nature of the nation.

The fact that perpetual prime minister-in-waiting LK Advani could not become the PM and the moderate face of the BJP, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, became one of the successful PMs of India is comforting proof that India can never become a Hindu Rashtra.

And it will survive and prosper only as a true secular democracy. For this reason only Dr Swamy rants: “If half the Hindus vote together… a genuine Hindu party will have a two-thirds majority in Parliament and assemblies.”

In such circumstances, one not only feels highly assured but also compelled not to oblige the rants of the long unemployed politician with a response.

Even if for a second, Swamy’s diatribes are to be paid any attention, he comes across more as a true ally of Osama bin Laden’s clash of civilizations. After 9/11, the civilised world has tried to deny the macabre ideology of al-Qaeda’s broader linkages by not linking terrorism with the great religion of peace, Islam.

Linking terrorism with Islam, the author might be doing a yeoman service to his destructive cause of Hindu Rashtra, but in all probability he is only leading India towards larger destruction.

The otherwise seemingly well-informed author needs to be reminded that US President Bush uttered the word “crusade” very few times; he had to chew his words for fear of enlarging the constituency of Laden. And he never uttered the word again. President Barack Obama has declared Islam a religion of peace and made efforts to mend fences with Muslim societies across the globe.

In case of Swamy’s advice, he is desperate to respond to evil with greater evil and is only advocating wiping out the Muslim population from India in the name of fighting terrorism. What is the difference between the gas chambers of the Nazis and the mass murder-invoking theories of this writer?

It is of no use to counsel a misguided mind ready to slaughter crores of innocent people in the name of fighting terrorism. It is time to set the record right: had terrorism been the mainstream thinking of the Muslims, Laden would not have found refuge in the mountain caves of Tora Bora; he would have been fighting his battle from Judah.

Islam teaches its followers to distinguish between right and wrong, evil and good; the Quran declares that killing one innocent equals the destruction of entire humanity: “That if anyone slew a person unless it be for murder or speading mischief in the land, it would be as if he slew the whole people (5: 32).” Misguided people misinterpreting scripture have tried to invoke a religious clash and are responsible for the worst crimes against the humanity.

Why do people like Swamy obscure a hard reality that more Muslims all over the world have suffered at the hands of terrorists than non-Muslims. The colour blind are incapable of seeing the reason. It is only for Mr Swamy to decide whether he is advancing the cause of  Laden or the civilised world.

The writer is a Srinagar-based columnist and political analyst

