
How to avoid tummy trouble during travel?

What causes travellers’ diarrhoea and what should you do?

How to avoid tummy trouble during travel?

When you are travelling you are vulnerable to stomach infections as the food you eat may not be of a good quality or prepared in unhygienic conditions. What causes travellers’ diarrhoea and what should you do?

Read on to find out.

What causes gastroenteritis/diarrhoea?

This illness is also called stomach flu or food poisoning. Infectious agents are the primary cause of acute gastroenteritis. Bacterial infection causes approx 80% cases. Rotavirus and Norovirus infection account for about 20% cases

What are the sources of infection?
Infectious bacteria and viruses are found in the stool and vomit of infected people. People get infected by:  l Eating food or drinking liquids that are contaminated with these agents .
l Having direct contact with an infected person; for example sharing food, drinks or utensils
What are the common symptoms of gastroenteritis/diarrhoea?
Most cases begin abruptly. Illness usually results in increased frequency, volume and weight of stool. Typically, a patient experiences 4 -5  watery bowel movements each day. Other commonly associated symptoms are nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, bloating, fever and malaise. It is rarely life-threatening.

What preventive measures are effective for travellers' diarrhoea?
l Avoid eating food or drinking liquids from street vendors 
l Avoid eating raw or undercooked meat and seafood. Non-vegetarian foods are more often a cause of food-borne illnesses.
l If handled properly well-cooked and packaged foods are usually safe. Tap water, ice, unpasteurised milk, and dairy products are associated with increased risk of diarrhoea.
l Safe beverages include bottled carbonated beverages, hot tea or coffee, beer, wine, and water boiled or appropriately treated with iodine or chlorine.
l Rule of thumb-If you are not sure about quality of food during travel, throw it away.
l To prevent spread to others once you have the infection,  wash your hands carefully with soap and water, especially after using the toilet. Alcohol-based hand sanitisers may be a helpful.

What treatment measures are effective for gastroenteritis?
Rehydration is vital for infected people and they must drink plenty of liquids to replace fluid lost . Lemon juice with plenty of sugar and salt makes good rehydration fluid.  In some cases where patients continue to vomit and have large volume of watery diarrhoea, they may need to be hospitalised. Travellers who develop 3 or more loose stools in an 8-hr period—especially if associated with nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, fever, or blood in stools--may benefit from antimicrobial therapy. Antibiotics usually are given for three to five days. Commonly prescribed agent is 200 mg of Ofloxacin twice a day for three to five days.

—Dr Shravan Bohra

