
Positive Thinking: Letting Go of Ego

The perception of 'easy' and 'difficult' depends on the state of one's being.

Positive Thinking: Letting Go of Ego

The perception of ‘easy’ and ‘difficult’ depends on the state of one’s being. Even if it is not easy, enjoy and play by practicing being a witness. You find it not easy because you get identified.
Identification becomes a pattern or a habit. Change this habit to not being identified.

Why does one get identified with many things?

Identification is the result of the negative energy in us. We call them toxins in our beings. This toxin exists due to wrong thinking or wrong living. Just say that you will drop these toxins.

A great master was carrying a bag full of marbles. An evolved seeker recognised that he was an enlightened master and sought the mantra for wise living. He also asked him why he was carrying the burden of a bag full of marbles.

The master dropped the bag at once and said, “This is my teaching.”

“What next?” said the seeker.

The master picked up the bag and said, “Now having renounced, carry the burden. You find that they are just marbles, just instruments of play.”

Why is it so difficult to be playful as we grow up?

Society has sown the myth that it is the prerogative of children to be playful. As we grow up, there exists a need to accomplish in an individual. Society perceives that in the fulfillment of this accomplishment, playfulness is an obstacle. Hence, one needs to be serious. The wise approach is in being committed and still being playful.

Is playfulness opposed to being spiritual?

When you are playful, there is a deep sense to let go. Letting go is learning to surrender to the flow of life. One has to ultimately let go of one’s ego. When you are serious, you are in tension.
Tension is the breath of your ego. When you are playful, you are relaxed. Relaxation is a part of being spiritual. Enlightenment is never in the future. Enlightenment is always in the present. To be playful, one has to be in the present. Hence being playful is an important door to spirituality.

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