
Inner Truth: Prayer is My Secret

Inner Truth: Prayer is My Secret

On all occasions of trial He has saved me. I know that the phrase ‘God saved me’ has a deeper meaning for me today, and still I feel that I have not yet grasped its entire meaning. Only richer experience can help me to a fuller understanding. 

But in all my trials — of a spiritual nature, as a lawyer, in conducting institutions, and in politics — I can say that God saved me. When every hope is gone, ‘when helpers fail and comforts flee’, I experience that help arrives somehow, from I know not where. Prayer has been the saving of my life. Without it I should have been a lunatic long ago. In spite of despair staring me in the face on the political horizon, I have never lost my peace. In fact, I have found people who envy my peace. That peace, I tell you, comes from prayer.  
 — Mahatma Gandhi

The author (1869 — 1948), was the apostle of non-violence and truth during the 20th century.
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